The Wingdom™ Line

In the third Toy Fair entry I pointed out some mystery dolls on the third shelf from the top on the right side of this picture (make sure to click on "all sizes" to see a larger version of the picture.) They're right below the pointing finger and right above the cup of coffee on the table.
(Edit: Thanks to BarbieZania, now we get to see close-up pictures of the dolls!
Well, apparently these dolls belong to an assortment called Fairytopia® Wingdom™. I don't know if this is going to be a movie or not, but it's nice to see the Fairytopia name being used again!
Robey wrote and asked a couple of questions about this doll.
"First, do you know when she will be released?"
According to Entertainment Earth, the line (or at least the Fairy-ettes™ - which they have listed as "Mini Fairies") will be released in June.
"Second Question, do you know if there is going to be a new Fairytopia Movie to go along with the doll? I have always loved these stories and I felt there should have been more than 3, I think there is a lot more they can do with Elina[™] and the cast of Fairytopia!"
I totally agree - it would be great if the Fairytopia name were revived and the existing characters (like Elina™) were brought back. Unfortunately, so far I haven't found any mention of a new movie that ties in with the Wingdom line. Since the dolls are being released within a few months, it doesn't seem likely that there will be one (at least, not yet).
However, I've been thinking about it. It's possible the Wingdom line doesn't have anything to do with Fairytopia after all. One of BarbieZania's pictures shows and entire Fairy-ette box front, and it doesn't say "Fairytopia" on it. (It doesn't say "Wingdom" on it either, though, and that's apparently what the line is going to be called.)
Entertainment Earth is the only website that currently has these dolls listed, and they may have listed them with the Fairytopia name mistakenly - sort of like how the shelf tags at stores still sometimes call the fairy dolls "Fairytopia" even though that name isn't being used anymore.
So we might have to wait until the dolls are released to know for sure, but I'm not getting my hopes up about these dolls being related to Fairytopia.
Edit: It turns out these dolls aren't called "Fairytopia" or "Wingdom" after all - read more here.
• Fairy-Tastic Princess™ Barbie®

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