/// 26 November 2009 ///
It's true: The Ken doll with the jaunty hat that was shown in the "Do the Barbie" music video is actually being produced as part of the Fashionistas™ line!
(That's right - first Ken was a Cali Girl™, now he's a "Fashionista". It seems like he's well on his way to proving he's more than just an afterthought in the Barbie world. )
This is just the catalog picture; the hair on the production version looks a little bit like the "after" picture in a news story about a Flowbee® accident.
(Actually, I like it better that way. )
His shirt is cool!
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• She Said Yes™ Barbie® and Ken® Giftset - They're "Together Again"
• Toy Story 3 Barbie® and Ken® Giftset
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